Hear Bruno SkyBlue’s Guitar Prowess in Free Mockingbirds’ New Single ‘Meghan Marvel’ on the playlist
Hear Bruno SkyBlue’s Guitar Prowess in Free Mockingbirds’ New Single ‘Meghan Marvel’ on the playlist

Hear Bruno SkyBlue’s Guitar Prowess in Free Mockingbirds’ New Single ‘Meghan Marvel’ on the playlist

We are pleased to announce that the new single “Meghan Marvel” (Instrumental ft. Bruno SkyBlue)’ from ‘Free Mockingbirds’ is now on our prestigious Daily A-List Playlist. Listen out for it night and day on the playlist + it will also be played daily as a special BLUES POWERPLAY at 8 PM GMT time for the next month.

Free Mockingbirds is an indie band and embodies the spirit of Blues-Rock, with lead guitarist Bruno SkyBlue’s skill rivalling that of esteemed artists such as John Mayer and Julian Lage, as well as other legendary blues guitarists. The band loves all genre but often veered towards Blues & Folk Rocks. The band lead guitarist Bruno SkyBlue draws inspiration from blues-guitar icons like Jimi Hendrix, and Bruno’s prowess on the strings is truly remarkable.

This new single “Meghan Marvel (Instrumental)” is from their upcoming debut album “Bruno Plays SkyBlues Songbook”.

Free Mockingbirds Embodies the spirit of Indie Blues-Rock.




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